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Who we follow and why?

Have you checked your instagram, facebook, or any other social media? Who you follow? It can tell a lot about you.

For instance I follow many dead celebrities and not so many living. That's me. But a lot of good pictures and stories com into my newsfeed.

In real life I follow my mother (63) and my grandmother (89). In today's' terms they would be carrier women. In their days they simply did their job. My grandmother had 3 children and worked as a book keeper until her accident in 1981. Then she became my grandmother (my best storyteller) and later on my cousins' grandmother, too. She made the best potato casserole and the best apricot named cookie. Nowadays most of the time she is sleeping, but when not she is still very alert. And kind, she always says thank you for the visit, even if we don't speak.

My mother, she is also a bookkeeper. We obtained our drivers' licence together, she was 43 I was 20. We learned to drive together. When she found out she's going to be a grandmother, she was studying for her exams at the University. Quite a figure, isn't she? According to my son, she makes the best schnitzel there is on Earth.

So I follow them, because blood doesn't turn to water.

And who do you follow?


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